From The Principal - eNews 18


Dear parents

 Student Award Winners

I am grateful to the large number of parents who were able to attend the Year 7 to 11 Awards Ceremony last Friday. I offer my congratulations to all the award winners who applied themselves to their studies admirably during 2017.

In my speech, I noted that during the ceremony we recognise those students who have excelled in their academic life and a small number of students who have epitomised the College values in the past year. However, I acknowledged there were many more students I could have acknowledged: those who have exceeded expectations by working diligently, the students who have worked tirelessly at their studies yet may not have received the improvement or results they would have hoped for, our quiet achievers, those who are wonderful friends, who help others, the students who were nominated for the St Mary Mackillop Awards, those who have served others and have been selfless in their approach to school life. These students are the quiet achievers, and I would like to congratulate them, too.

Recently, I read an article about what makes up the ingredients of a school where students perform well. The Head of schools in England believes values, including tolerance, openness to new ideas and mutual respect, should form a central part of school education. 

When an entire school culture is seen by its students as promoting equality, mutual respect and inclusiveness, students often perform very well in exams and the schools’ punch above their weight in academic results. I believe this epitomises Corpus Christi College which provides a comprehensive educational program across all years whilst being uncompromising with the importance of our stated values.

Student Leaders

Congratulations to the Student Leaders from Year 8 to 12 appointed for next year whose names noted in this e-News, who will join our Head Girl Jessica De Freitas Basilio and Head Boy Liam Rego in leading the student community in 2018. After applying for these positions, applicants were required to undertake a rigorous selection process that focussed on their ability to adopt a servant leadership style. We wish them all the best as they undertake their duties next year.

 Staff Farewells

On behalf of the College I wish to express my gratitude for the service the staff have given so generously and who are leaving us at the end of the year.

Two staff are retiring. After a long and distinguished career, Physics teacher Mrs Karen Rourke, who commenced at the College in our third year in 1986, is retiring after nearly 31 years of service to countless numbers of our former students. One of our Alumni, our Oxford University Rhodes Scholar recognised Mrs Rourke as being one of his most influential teachers who contributed to his exceptional academic achievement. These are typical comments from many of Karen’s former pupils, many would remember she was instrumental in the introduction of the Cambridge Science program which continued until the new WA Curriculum was mandated by the state and federal government. Karen is an ongoing learner, and loved the physics associated with astronomy, contributing to the purchase of the latest telescope currently housed in the library.

Teaching Assistant Mrs Stephanie Marini commenced at Corpus in 1997, and we acknowledge her for assisting many of our students with disabilities over the course of this time having been part of the Education Support Centre since it opened. Stephanie’s administrative skills were used for many years by teachers and leaders to ensure the smooth running of the centre.

Outdoor Education and HPE teacher Ms Lesley McAuliffe leaves us after 12 years at Corpus, having initially been appointed as the main Outdoor Education teacher guiding the growth of the subject to one which requires two staff to teacher across a range of academic courses. Mathematics teacher and House Coordinator Ms Cara Wright also leaves us after accepting a teaching role at St Mary’s Anglican Girls School from next year after 4 years at the College. A loss to the Leadership Team is the Director of Finance and Administration Mr Alan Luks who will be going to Mandurah Catholic College in an equivalent role. When I appointed Mr Luks he told me he would be staying at Corpus for a long time unless an equivalent role came up at Mandurah, part of a long-term lifestyle plan for Alan. We are grateful to all these staff for the service they have given to the College.

We give thanks to a number of staff covering teachers on leave or have been with us in the past two years, including:

  • English and RE teacher Mr Leith Daniel
  • Science teacher Mrs Fiona Anthony
  • Humanities teacher Mr Andrew Rollin
  • Science and Humanities teacher Mr Taylor Matthews
  • Learning Support teacher Ms Sally Hall
  • Teaching Assistants Mrs Kendall Edgar and Mrs Sunita Matheshwari
  • Music Assistant Ms Lydia Gardiner
  • Sports Assistant, Samantha Lowe.
  • Science teacher Ms Stephanie Griffiths

We also wish staff who will be on leave next year all the best, Mrs Carpenter, Mr Papineau,  and Mr Bickford who are on leave in Term One, and Mrs Rousset who is taking leave for 2018.

On behalf of the College we thank these staff and wish them all the best for the future.

In Pope Francis’ words, ‘their love has been shown by little things, by attention to small daily signs which make us feel at home. Faith grows when it is lived and shaped by love. That is why our families, our homes, our schools, can be true domestic churches. They are the right place for faith to become life, and life to grow in faith’.

Now, for some housekeeping matters:

Students Not Returning

As a reminder, please note parents are required to provide the College with one term’s notice if their child will not be returning to the College. Except for senior students who accept places at TAFE or apprenticeships, or families moving interstate or overseas, any late notifications in January will be considered too late for any special consideration. As we have finalised class lists for 2018, we need the consideration of families in this matter during 2018.

School commences in 2018

Please note Year 7 and Year 11 and 12 students will commence on Wednesday 31 January, whilst all other students will commence on Thursday 1 February. We will be recognising the 2012 graduating classes high achievers on the first day of school for all students, presenting the Year 12 2017 High Achievers Awards at the Whole School Assembly at 9.00am on the Thursday.

Office Hours

The College Office re-opens on Monday 8 January 2018.

Note for the Diary – 2018

Please don’t forget the AGM of the Board and Parent Council will be held in the second week of next term, Wednesday 7 February at 7.00pm in the James Nestor Centre.

Applications For Enrolment Year 7 2020

If your child will be in Year 5 next year, please ensure your Application for Admission Form is submitted in January. The selection and interview process will commence in Term One. Please email

 Christmas Blessings

As this is the final e-News of the year, I would like to wish all our families all God’s blessings as we proceed through advent in preparation for the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. I encourage all Corpus Christi families to celebrate the true meaning of Christmas by attending your local parishes in the coming weeks.

As the school year for 2017 draws to a close, and as we approach the holy days of Christmas, let us put ourselves into the hands of the Lord, praying for God’s protection and blessing. May we, and all our families and friends, find relaxation, refreshment and enjoyment in the coming summer holidays.

Best wishes and God bless

Mrs Caroline Payne


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