From The Principal e-News 17


Dear Parents

 Our Year 12 2017 graduates have now completed their final WACE examinations. We hold them in our prayers to keep safe, as a large group of them celebrate the conclusion of secondary schooling in the south-west next week.

Christmas Carols Wed 6 December

On Wednesday 6 December, the Parents and Friends have organized a Christmas Carols community event, with the support of Head of Music David Harries, the College choir and band, and College staff.

At this stage, Food trucks have been organized to arrive at 5.30pm in preparation to commence food service at 6pm, with the P&F providing bottles of water. More information will come out soon, but bring your families along to this event which will be held on the upper oval in front of the new Gymnasium. Food will be available until 7.00pm after which Christmas Carols will commence at 7.15pm.

Child Protection Strategies

Of recent times, we have received some child protection alerts from the Fremantle area. I invite parents to discuss ways children can protect themselves if someone makes them feel uncomfortable on the way to or from school. It is important we adopt a range of procedures in order to maintain the safety and well-being of students. At all Catholic schools:

1.    If there is an alert from the local police we inform all school staff of the incident details.

2.    Ask teachers to reinforce the stranger danger message to our students.

3.    Alert parents of children to child protection alerts by email and/or text.

4.    Ensure appropriate risk management strategies are implemented for our school site

5.    Provide appropriate teacher supervision before and after school, and have designated pickup points for students.

6.    Inform staff, parents and students that police are to be contacted on 131 444 to report incidents.

7.    If you have any information regarding an incident the police have requested you contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000

I urge all students to take care when going to and from school, and to report anything suspicious to parents, school and the police – call 131 444 or the local station to report an incident to police (and only use 000 in an emergency) or 1800 333 000 to reach Crime Stoppers.

Here are some simple suggestions to help your child stay safe. Please ask your child to:

·      Program 000 and 131444 police phone numbers into your mobile phone.

·      Always travel in the company of others

·      Walk on the right-hand side of the road so you face oncoming traffic

·      Wherever possible, leave space between yourself and the roadway

·      Be aware of your surroundings at all times and who or what is nearby.

·      Stay in areas that are well lit

·      Stay in view – avoid going into areas that are hidden from view (such as parkland bush or behind shopping centres) and plan trips to avoid such locations

·      Be alert – earphones and headphones can reduce your awareness considerably

·      If you have a mobile phone, have it turned on and ready to dial an emergency number

·      If a passing car stops nearby never get too close

·      Do not hesitate to run from a situation in which you feel at risk

·      Provide this advice to brothers and sisters, especially if younger

·      Report suspicious behaviour to parents, school and the police.

·      If you can get it safely, try to photograph or remember the number plate of the car and report number plates of cars and the clothing or distinguishing features of individuals to police.

To get the latest community safety information from police, visit WA Police on Facebook or online at

Our Homeroom teachers will discuss some of these measures this week. If you have any concerns, please contact the College.

An invitation to all parents

The College Board of Management is entrusted to assist in the financial management of the College, its strategic purpose and in the planning of future capital works. Parents who have one or a combination of the following are strongly encouraged to apply: 

·      Active in their parishes

·      Building and construction

·      Business and Finance

·      ICT and Technical

·      Legal

·      Marketing and PR

·      Professional

·      Risk Management

·      Senior management experience

·      Tertiary or Secondary Education

I invite all parents to consider their nominations as a Board member for 2018 by Friday 8 December 2017. Interested parents and community members who wish to contribute in this important way are asked to consider nomination. Alternatively, parents may also consider nominating to belong to one of the committees: Finance and Risk, or the Building Committee.

At the end of this year, we have three elected Board Members retiring, Russell Hardwick (Chair of the Finance and Risk Committee), Marcus Passauer and Keith Moylan. Other elected members include Board Chair Greg LeGuier, Deputy Chair of the Finance and Risk Management Committee Dr. Antonia Girardi. Chair of the Building Committee Domenic Santini, and Board members Karl Videmanis and Jens Radanovic. The College Board assists me in meeting various strategic objectives at the College.

The AGM of the Board and Parent Council will be held next year. In preparation for the 2018 academic year, Board Chair Mr Greg LeGuier invites interested parents to nominate for the College Board. Interested parents and community members who wish to contribute in this important way are asked to consider nomination by contacting Business Manager Alan Luks at the College Alan will then provide you with details on how to apply.

I am extremely grateful to our Board Members’ voluntary service and commitment to ensure the learning experience and environment for our students continue to improve, despite changes to the State and Commonwealth grants which have presented us with financial challenges, which have been met with a modest fee increase. This has meant we have been able to keep fees affordable compared to like schools in terms of Socio-Economic Status (SES), which determines the level of funding received.

Best wishes and God Bless.

Mrs Caroline Payne
