Australian Olympiad Examination 2017

In August this year, over 6,000 Australian students registered for the 2017 Australian Science Olympiad Exams.

Australian Science Innovations held National Qualifying Examinations in Biology, Chemistry and Physics at secondary schools around Australia for the Australian Science Olympiads. These examinations are the first stage in selection of the Australian teams that will ultimately compete in the International Science Olympiads in mid‑2018.

A breakdown of students by discipline who registered for the exams are as below:

Chemistry       2,066

Biology           1,765

Physics           1,669

Earth & Environmental Science   580

Congratulations to BRETT NIGLI of Year 10 who achieved a Credit in the Physics Examination, and VINEETH VINCENT of Year 10 who achieved a Credit in the Chemistry Examination. This places these students in the top 60% of students which is a very credible result for such a difficult examination for Year 10 students.

The students found their participation valuable and rewarding and the extra work required studying for this competition is sure to be of benefit in their future studies in Physics and Chemistry.

Mrs Karen Rourke (Physics Teacher) and Mrs Filipa Carvalho (Head of Academic Excellence)

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