From The Princpal e-News 16

Dear Parents

 We always have mixed feelings when farewelling our graduates of 2017. In whatever endeavours they pursue, we wish them all God’s blessings to be able to pursue their dreams with a sense of hope in their hearts knowing they have worked hard to achieve their goals. For those commencing their WACE examinations this week, we keep them in our prayers.

Without missing a beat, we welcome our 2018 group of Year 12 students, as our Year 11 students said ‘goodbye’ to their Year 11 courses last week and started their Year 12 subjects this week. They have a total of ’25 days of schooling’ in 2017, giving them a head start in their Year 12 courses prior to February next year. This successful initiative continues, reducing the anxiety caused by a shortened final year of schooling due to the examinations which commence in November.

A big week at Corpus: Week Two Term Four

 Last week, we welcomed Year 6 students who are joining us next year, always a delightful day. The Arts team make this a very special welcome to our students, and we are ever grateful to our Arts Learning Area members for all the work they do to support our induction program. Through the medium of the arts – visual arts, music, dance and drama, our young people are fully engaged in activities which are challenging but non-threatening, designed to enable them to make new friends from other schools, to meld together as Corpus kids.

Whilst this was occurring, the new student leaders, the 2018 Prefect Committee attended a two-day residential camp at the Pallotine Centre in Rossmoyne. I take this opportunity to congratulate the 2018 Prefects on their appointment. Former staff member Mark Clayden supported Jim Elliott, Naomi Larsen and Simon Messer to make this camp a memorable and exciting launching pad for our student leaders. Head Boy Liam Rego and Head Girl Jessica DeFreitas Basilio spoke to the Class of 2018 at the conclusion of their Opening Mass, an inspiring speech which passionately addressed our College mission and values. This speech is included below.

Last Thursday night was the penultimate celebration evening for the sporting life within the College, with James Howard’s exceptional organization of the Celebration of Sport Dinner, and many students and staff honoured for service to sport. It must be acknowledged James was well supported by Samantha Lowe and the Health and Physical Education team, as well as Head of Music David Harries, Lydia Gardiner and the music students who kept us entertained during the evening. Our cafeteria staff, particularly Deb Lawson and Jo Court both created and served a high quality meal which would have been the envy of many chefs in hotel-like establishments.

 World Teachers’ Day

This week, we celebrated the invaluable contribution that teachers make to the faith formation and education of students and our broader society, through World Teachers’ Day.

CEO Acting Executive Director Dr Debra Sayce emailed all teachers this week, expressing her gratitude for the work they do. In her email, she quoted Pope Francis, who summed up the role of a teacher in this wonderful manner:

About 2,000 years ago, the world’s most important teacher worked to make our world a better place.  In the words of Pope Francis, Jesus ”is a teacher of truth and life who shows us the way to truth and happiness”.

Today teachers and support staff are in the privileged position of being able to help form the lives of over 77,000 young people and their families who are part of the community of Catholic schools in Western Australia.  We all appreciate that the role of educators is now far more complex than past times.  It extends well beyond academic learning to embrace all those skills and values which make life a happy and fulfilling place for students.  We acknowledge the work of all educators, especially those who work in difficult geographic locations and those who work with the most needy.

On behalf of the Bishops of Western Australia, who have mandated us to promulgate the work of Catholic education, I offer my sincere thanks for the outstanding work all educators undertake to create the thriving system we are all part of. 

World Teachers’ Day is celebrated in over 100 countries and is a fitting acknowledgement for the efforts of teachers globally and offers an opportunity for students, parents and community members to demonstrate their appreciation for the incredibly important work of teachers.

Our graduating class of 2017 provided a special morning tea this week on behalf of the community, acknowledging the efforts of our staff.

On behalf of Corpus Christi College, I congratulate our teachers for their dedication and commitment to the students in their classes in a wide variety of contexts, keeping them safe, guiding their learning, challenging their students to excel and giving them hope and optimism for the future.

Acknowledging our Year 12 Major Award Winners

Our Year 12 students graduated on Friday 20 October at St Mary’s Cathedral. Deputy Principal Damian Scali announced the major awards winners at the Whole School Assembly to farewell our Year 12s. I take this opportunity to congratulate all Year 12 students who were presented with College awards.

The Sequere Dominum Award is Corpus Christi’s penultimate award and presented to a Year 12 student of the College each year. It acknowledges the graduate who epitomizes the College stated values including nurturing a living faith, promoting justice and service to others, striving for excellence in everything they do and respecting the dignity of each person they encounter.

All staff are invited to nominate students for this award, from which the recipients of the Corpus Christi Medals are chosen. I found it very difficult to nominate a single winner, so I congratulate Ashley Taylor and Mitchell Garland who are the 2017 winners of the Sequere Dominum Award, outstanding role models for the community in the manner they served the community across a range of activities in the College.

Damian Scali has acknowledged all Year 12 Awards recipients in his article in this copy of the Newsletter. Congratulations to all the recipients of these Awards which were presented to them after the Graduation Mass at St Mary’s Cathedral.

An invitation to parents

The AGM of the Board and Parent Council will be held next year. In preparation for the 2018 academic year, Board Chair Mr Greg LeGuier will be inviting interested parents to nominate for the College Board very soon. Interested parents and community members who wish to contribute in this important way are asked to consider nomination.

The College Board of Management is entrusted to assist in the financial management of the College, its strategic purpose and in the planning of future capital works. Parents who have one or a combination of the following are strongly encouraged to apply: 

·       Active in their parishes

·       Building and construction

·       Business and Finance

·       ICT and Technical

·       Legal

·       Marketing and PR

·       Professional

·       Risk Management

·       Senior management experience

·       Tertiary or Secondary Education

I invite all parents to consider their nominations as a Board member for 2018. Please consider applying to join the Board, with further details to be sent to parents very soon.


Best wishes and God Bless


Mrs Caroline Payne
