From The Principal e-News 15

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Dear Parents

 Welcome to Term 4

I trust students and families have had a wonderful holiday break. I acknowledge our Year 12 students who sat their mock WACE exams during the second week of the holidays, and their teachers, who have been marking these examination papers. Along with Year 11 students sitting their final examinations, which continued last week, I know a large number of teachers will be marking and concluding marks books in the next fortnight, a very busy time of the year.

This week is one of mixed emotions for our Year 12 students – excitement and exhilaration, trepidation and fear for the future which lies ahead. They are ready to finish their secondary schooling, and in partnership with parents, we agree that ‘it is time’!

John Paul II once wrote: ‘Our modern world, despite its many successes, continues to be marked by contradictions. These include materialism and a growing contempt for human life, which have now assumed disturbing proportions. Many people live lives with no other allegiance than to the laws of profit, prestige and power’ (Go in Peace, 2003, p.72). Later he asks: ‘but how can we fail to acknowledge with joy the positive aspects of our times?’ We hope graduates of Corpus Christi leave us as discerning young women and men who understand the joy of the gospels, and our great hope for them in their futures to still to be fully realised.

As our Year 12 students conclude their final days of secondary schooling this week, I take this opportunity to congratulate them in the manner they sat their Trial WACE and WACE practical examinations held primarily during the holiday period. Their last week will culminate with a celebratory private breakfast on Friday morning, with parents and friends joining us for the Graduation Assembly and Presentation of Awards at 9.00am in the Community Centre, concluding the day’s celebration with the Graduation Mass and Presentation of Certificates ceremony at St Mary’s Cathedral. There is a myriad of staff who are involved in making these events special, but I take this opportunity to recognise Head of Year 12 Simon Messer for his coordination of all events held this week.

Next week, we will recognise all the major award winners through the e-News to all parents.

 I invite the College community to continue to keep these wonderful young people in your thoughts and prayers as the majority of them prepare for the up and coming WACE examinations which commence on Wednesday 1 November.

Staffing for Term Four

We welcome a number of new staff to the College:

 Stephanie Griffiths joins us temporarily from Kolbe Catholic College, where she is a Biological Sciences teacher and has previous experience as a Head of Year. Earlier this year, Stephanie worked as a consultant for SCSA, advising on Human Biology and Integrated Science. She is a keen equestrian and also enjoys cross country running. She majored in Conservation and Wildlife Biology in her Bachelor of Science, completed at Curtin. Stephanie is covering Jo Steven’s teaching role this term.

Frances Whiting is covering Brooke Bleakley’s role as a teacher of special needs students whilst she is on leave this term. Frances has been a Teaching Assistant in the Education Support Centre since 2016. Having previously taught as a relief teacher in numerous schools in the UK, Frances will now step up into a temporary teaching role here at Corpus.   

We also welcome back the return of Head of Languages Anna Triscari, Head of Vocation and Transition Services Kath Davey and teacher Linda Kenton from leave.

College Theatre Project

A delay caused by the Archdiocesan approval process means the successful tenderer for the College Theatre has not commenced as yet. Full scale building will commence immediately after the WACE exams conclude in November.

I take this opportunity to thank Chris Carbone and his fabulous maintenance and gardening team who have ensured our grounds and facilities look quite resplendent in the springtime warmth, after finalizing a number of maintenance projects. One of these was the installation of wider doors connecting the two parts of the Mayne Block. The issue of congestion was actually raised at one of the many meetings I hold with Year 12s during lunchtime. Again, their feedback was appreciated a great deal.

Best wishes and God Bless

Mrs Caroline Payne
